Best medication for bloating: Types and more


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Aug 23, 2023

Best medication for bloating: Types and more

People can often treat bloating at home, but over-the-counter products such as Alka-seltzer or Lactaid may also help relieve symptoms. Doctors may also recommend prescription medication. A person may

People can often treat bloating at home, but over-the-counter products such as Alka-seltzer or Lactaid may also help relieve symptoms. Doctors may also recommend prescription medication.

A person may experience bloating due to various causes. These include:

Read on for information on OTC and prescription medication for bloating, alternative treatments, prevention, and when to contact a doctor.

Simethicone, a silicone compound, is an OTC medication with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. This drug helps relieve bloating, which results from excess gas in the gastrointestinal tract.

Some examples of Simethicone brand names include:

The recommended dosage is:

This medication contains a mixture of dimethicone — a type of silicone — and silica gel.

This medication does not tend to cause serious side effects, although some people may experience mild nausea or diarrhea.

Lactase is available OTC and is a natural enzyme that helps break down lactose into simple sugars, which the body can easily digest. This enzyme can relieve symptoms of lactose intolerance, such as bloating.

Lactaid is one brand that contains lactase. A person can take this supplement every time they consume a dairy product.

People do not usually experience any serious side effects, although some may report vomiting.

Antacids, another type of OTC medication, neutralize the acid in the stomach. This can alleviate heartburn symptoms, diarrhea caused by bile acid, and constipation.

Depending on the brand, these medications may contain one or more ingredients such as:

Brand names include:

Dosing may vary depending upon the product and the combination of ingredients. People should check the instructions to determine this.

People should use this medication when they have symptoms or feel they will start to get them. This is usually with or after meals or before going to bed.

Potential side effects may include:

OTC laxatives can relieve constipation, which can alleviate bloating.

There are four types of laxatives:

Laxative medications contain different ingredients, such as:

The dosage varies between products and types. However, a person should not take laxatives daily or for longer than 1 week.

Potential effects include:

Bismuth subsalicylate is an OTC medication that doctors use to relieve gastrointestinal symptoms due to overindulgence in drinks or food.

These drugs are antidiarrheal agents that:

One of the most common brand names is Pepto-Bismol.

The recommended dosage is 30 milliliters (ml) every 30–60 minutes and no more than 240 ml in 24 hours.

Inactive ingredients include benzoic acid and magnesium aluminum silicate.

A person should not use this medication if they:

Side effects may include ringing or buzzing in the ears.

Prokinetics are prescription medications that aim to improve gastric emptying and relieve symptoms of gastroparesis.

Gastroparesis causes:

Two prokinetic drug examples include Propulsid — the brand name for cisapride — and metoclopramide, marketed as Reglan.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a series of black box warnings in the 1990s for prokinetics due to cardiovascular safety concerns.

Cisapride has a specific black box warning, which may cause serious irregular heartbeats, also known as arrhythmia. People should inform their doctor if they have:

People should also inform their doctor if they are taking protease inhibitors or medications for depression or an irregular heartbeat.

A person must also consult a medical professional regarding the risks and warnings associated with this drug.

Reglan has a black box warning of using for no longer than 12 weeks. This drug can cause complications such as:

This medication can also interact with certain medications:

People must speak with a doctor regarding the warnings and risks associated with this type of medication.

Prokinetics may have serious side effects. These may include:

Antispasmodic prescription drugs stop painful muscle contractions that may cause bloating and pain.

Examples of these drugs include dicyclomine (Bentyl) and hyoscine (Buscopan).

People should take these drugs as instructed by a doctor. The dosages and ingredients vary between types.

For example, Buscopan tablets contain 10 mg of hyoscine butylbromide.

The usual dose of Buscopan in adults and children over 12 years is 2 tablets, four times a day. The dose for children between 6–11 years is 1 tablet three times per day.

Buscopan may cause side effects in some people, but most people have no side effects or only mild effects.

Some of the effects include:

Read more about treatments for gas in the stomach.

Natural home remedies that may alleviate bloating include:

Learn about other remedies for bloating.

The following actions may help a person prevent bloating from occurring:

A person should consult a doctor if they experience bloating alongside:

Doctors will prescribe OTC or prescription medication to relieve bloating and other gastrointestinal symptoms. People should discuss the recommended dosage and potential side effects with a healthcare professional.

A person can also try natural alternatives, such as peppermint, activated charcoal, dietary changes, and a heated pad on the stomach.

Adults:Children 2–12 years:Children under 2 years:LactaseBulk-forming:Osmotic:Stimulants:Stool softener: ProkineticsAntispasmodicsActivated charcoal:Peppermint:Dietary changes:Increasing water intake:Applying a heated pad to the stomach:Completing a food diary: Taking exerciseChewing slowly: Reducing sodium: